Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Child Passenger Safety Week


Buckle Up - Every Age, Every Stage

It's Child Passenger Safety Week and the CDC has new state-based fact sheets on restraint use, which provide an overview of proven strategies to increase the use of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts. You can find Colorado's fact sheet here.

Motor vehicle and other transportation deaths are the third leading cause of violence and injury-related deaths among Colorado infants, children, and youth. In our state, youth ages 15-17, males, youth living in frontier and rural communities, and Latinx children and youth are disproportionately impacted by motor vehicle injuries. In addition, discrimination and stigma faced by LGBTQ+ youth impacts their health in many ways, including increasing risky driving behaviors. 

The CFPS 2020 Legislative Report includes the following recommendation:

Expand data collection, analysis, & community engagement to:

  1. Better understand disparities in motor vehicle deaths.
  2. Identify specific strategies to reduce high-risk driving and passenger behaviors.
  3. Support a comprehensive statewide young driver safety campaign.

For more Colorado-specific information, please see our fact sheet on the topic and our equity learning series email.

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