Meet the CFPS State Support Team

The Child Fatality Prevention System support staff at the CDPHE will serve to help communities organize local review teams and conduct effective reviews. They are committed to providing guidance, technical assistance (TA) and training to foster a statewide, coordinated system. 

State Review Team vs State Support Team - What's the difference?

Kate Jankovsky, Program Manager
Oversees implementation and evaluation of CFPS to ensure the program meets its goals and objectives to review child deaths and develop recommendations to prevent child fatalities. Facilitates the 46-member, multidisciplinary CFPS State Review Team and associated subcommittees and works closely with the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) Child Fatality Review Team (CFRT) to develop joint prevention recommendations. Oversees funding for local public health agencies to support local teams and provides guidance to local team coordinators to ensure they have the skills, knowledge, and resources to convene and facilitate local team meetings and implement prevention strategies.

Kelly Dougherty, CFPS Coordinator and Data Analyst
Develops and provides training and support to local teams on the following topics: equity, positive youth development, contract monitoring, case review, data-related tasks, and development of prevention recommendations. Assigns cases to local teams and ensures data quality assurance for all cases, with specific emphasis on Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) cases. Manages the monthly CFPS newsletter, which contains information regarding system best practice, trainings and events, funding opportunities and articles related to CFPS. Conducts data analysis and reports on trends in child deaths reviewed by CFPS.